Saturday, January 30, 2010

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Four generations! Mom, Grandma, myself and Hailey

We all sqeezed into this picture, only some of the family was there but it was nice nice to see everyone. This is my moms side of the family

Cuddle time with Granny (she asked that Hailey calls her Granny and we call her Grandma)

She's mastered the sippy cup

Playing with Great Aunt Della (she's way to young to be a great aunt!)

Just ignore the crazy look I have in my eye...this is a cute one of Grandma and Hailey

My dad's parents. They are so amazing, they play cards every night and constantly raise money for work.

Hanging out at Uncle Randy's place.

Grandma McLaughlin made her this mittens - they are so cute! I was hoping she would make her a pair since but didn't want to ask. She made me half a dozen pairs that I wore all through college.

Wearing her new snow suit - well not sure if it's a snow suit but its really fuzzy and adorable! (thanks Nana and Papa Mac)

Had lots of cuddles and kisses from Nana

Our daughter already giving her dad a look...

Hailey's cousin Tasia got her Tigger (Uncle Matt and Aunt Voula) and Uncle Adam bought her Mini Mouse. She LOVES them booth! She wrestles with them all the time.

Uncle Matt and cousin Tasia.

Probably our favourite part of the holidays, all of us gathered around the table. There was 11 of us. Dad just made us the traditional BIG yummy.

Tasia helping Hailey open her gifts

Beautiful Aunt Voula

Aunt Siona and her boyfriend Sheldon.

Reading with Nana Mac

Another Christmas has come and gone so quickly, seems that time passes by much faster when you have a kid. This Christmas we drove up to Ontario to see my family. We left at 8:30pm and arrived around 6:00am on the 24th. It was such a long night but I believe if we travelled during the day it would have been a much longer trip. We had yet to attempt a day trip with Hailey, but I am doing my best to avoid it. I know we will have to eventually but it is so much easier have her sleep through the night.

I was so stressed out before we left about the travelling, how she would do sleeping at my parents place now that she was much more aware, napping, much to worry about and so little time! All my worries were pointless as I learned. She slept great, we fought with her for some naps - which is to be expected. She ate like a champ and was friendly with everyone who approached her. She even let my family hold her with me in the room. This was so amazing. It is such a huge step for Hailey, normally if I'm going to be in the room I have to hide or not talk. This is an on going battle for Brad but she is making improvements.

It was so nice to be around family again, and as always I shed a tear or two while leaving. Now that we have Hailey we find it some much harder to be away from family but we believe 100% that God has brought us here and we have peace this is where we are to be.