Monday, June 1, 2009

1 Month Check Up

Just got back from Hailey's 1 month check up... she's doing great! She's up to 11 lbs, 2 ozs (what are you feeding her mommy?!) She had one shot today and kind of had a whimper but compalined more about getting her clothes back on then the shot....Let's hope that stays the same for all the other shots that are coming up at her 2 month check up!

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Here's a shot that Sarah took today, PRICELESS!


  1. YAY!!!! The Ogden's have a blog. I can't wait to stalk you guys on here with your sweet pictures. :-)

  2. Hailey definately doesn't get her good looks from her father :):) She is so sweet. Miss you guys. ~Team Honisch

  3. I love this! She is so stinkin cute! Keep posting pictures!
