Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Hailey is almost eight weeks old now and in a weird way time has gone by so quickly...and then when I think about how we survived on about 2-3 hours of broken sleep it doesn't seem to fast.
She is doing so much better now that I have eliminated all dairy and soy from my diet. Now when she cries we are able to calm her down (most of the time). Of course it's summer so it's ice cream season and I try not to lust after Dairy Queen each time we drive by but it's totally worth it to have a happy baby. We just HATE hearing her in pain and the diet seems to have done the trick.
I love being a stay at home mom and I am so blessed to be able to do so. I even have a hard time leaving her for an hour, when I am gone I am constantly thinking about her and am excited to get home to see her.
I have started playing in the wome
n's basketball league that Brad runs. It's so much fun to get out there and play again. I even started running again or waddling...it depends if anyone sees me :) either way it's great to start being active again.
She is smiling a lot more now at us and more often; she is also cooing. I love when she does this because it usually is followed by lots of smiles and 'happy time'. She is just so much fun and we love her so much.
I read some where that babies sleep between 18 and 20 hours a day...not sure if that is true but it's not the case with Ms. Hailey. Some days she will only sleep about 2 hours until night time! She continues to love to pee on mommy at 4:00am when I just finished changing her diaper...as always when she does this I have to change her, new diaper etc...and a quick night time feeding some how turns into a 45 min to an hour feeding. Of course she is smiling the whole time she is peeing on me. I feel like she knows what she is doing!
I still can't believe she is finally here and in our lives. She has brought us so much joy already and we love her so much. I pray daily for her tobecome the woman of God that he has created her to be. I pray she grows to love Him and serve him with her life. I just get chills even typing this. What a day that will be when she decides to give her life over to the Lord, I can hardly wait!!


  1. need new pictures

  2. Hi Sarah! Fun to read about how Hailey is doing. Glad to hear that you all are surviving and enjoying your new family of three. Hope to see you soon!
