Sunday, February 28, 2010

10 Months

Is she crawling yet? Is she crawling yet? Every Sunday when we drop Hailey off at the nursery we're asked that question. Answer is....nope. But we are feeling encouraged that she still may actually crawl. She has found her way onto her knees and can move a little bit, she tends to stick her butt in the air and tries to cover ground that way instead. But she is trying and I believe one day will actually crawl. I'd always been so worried about it, that a friend's kid was developing faster then her. But I can honestly say now that I'm fine with it. She will develop in her own time at her own pace. I can't make her crawl nor do I want to, I will keep providing opportunities for her to do so and she'll have to do the rest.
I feel like this past month she has learned a few more things. She pulls herself up a lot easier now onto everything. At times she still whines and wants help but for the most part when she wants to do it she does...and quickly. It's kind of funny b/c she'll protest some times if I am not helping her but I've seen her just turn and pull up on the couch. She actually just did it while I was typing this. Once up she can walk around the coach holding onto it of course.

She is able to turn individual pages a lot better, her fine motor skills...if that's what you call it seem to be improving. She also turns to the front of the house when ever I saw dada or daddy. Really cool to see her recognize Brad as daddy. We are working on waving hello and goodbye, the past few days she seems to be getting it a little better. She'll stretch her arms out and move her fingers. We were playing on our bed the other day and she saw a picture of Brad and myself and she smiled and waved to the picture.

She is still really enjoying bath time every night. I think Brad got to experience her first poop in the tub, it seemed really likely that I'd get that honor since I normally am the one who does it (just because he works at night) but lucky Brad got to deal with that present.

She recognizes both sets of grandparents when ever she sees them on oovoo. What a blessing oovoo is. I don't know how others have done it in the past without it. When ever we sign in she starts smiling and moving, she gets so excited to hear that sound.

She still loves The Wiggles and we have about 20 episodes taped and ready when we need it. I really think it's the music. Every time she 'works with mommy' I put music on and she instantly starts dancing, bopping up and down.

Every week it seems to be something new that she learns or that we learn :) We love her more and more each day and some days we just watch her or listen to her talk to her self (which she does a lot!) and think 'man I love this kid'!

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